Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm back

It's been a long time since I've posted on here (over a year). With the revival of my memories, I've also made some changes to my blog outlook and life outlook. I came back to the blog for a few reasons, but mainly because it's a great place to capture some of the priceless things my kids say and do.

Abbey turned 2 in May. She's a little princess. She's a little sweetheart. She's a little devious at times. She's got better manners (please, thank you, I'm sorry...) than most kids I know. She has the perfect personality to balance that of her older brother. She's got her mama's curly locks and blue eyes. She's the little girl I hoped to have. Likes to be pretty but yet likes to get her feet all dirty going on walks with her Papa. I look forward to seeing her learn more, sing more songs, give us some cute facial expressions and play with her older brothers.

Seth just turned 4 a week ago and he'll be starting Pre-K on Monday. I haven't been too caught up in this milestone along the way to this point, but I really feel a wave of emotion heading my way on Monday morning. I have a kid in school now. No more lazy free days for him... for many many years. I tried explaining it to him but he has no clue. He's happy to be 4, and thrilled to be starting Pre-K... meeting new friends, learning new things and bringing home stories to tell. So instead of stressing about how I may feel about this milestone, I think I'll just take his 4-year old view on this new journey and let him be a 4-year old. No sense in cluttering up his young mind with the stress of his mom's insecurities.

I'll be posting some short and sweet conversations, comments & stories soon that my two have come up with lately. They're definitely worth sharing for a good laugh!

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